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10 differences between automated marketing and email marketing

10 differences between automated marketing and email marketing

Marketing Automation isn't just for the big guys any more; businesses of all sizes are using it to communicate more personally with their customers. But many clients are confused about what automated marketing actually is, and we want to give you a better understanding. Though email marketing is often referred to as automated marketing, it's really just a part of a true automated marketing system.

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3795 Hits

Will the Internet of Things pass your business by?

Will the Internet of Things pass your business by?

You may not know it, but we're already in the Third Wave of the internet, or the Internet of Things (IoT), as it's come to be known.

Yep, that's right, and if your business is typical of most, you're still stuck at the end of the First Wave – at best.

You're probably thinking “not only do I have no clue what the Third Wave is, but I don't even know what the First and Second were.”

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5056 Hits

Economic & social benefits of geographic product branding

Economic & social benefits of geographic product branding

Across America, communities have become more vanilla over the past several decades due to the proliferation of franchises, chain stores, and chain restaurants.

People yearn for a connection to places and other people, and these desires are slowly helping rebuild the demand for local products.

A geographic brand validates authenticity and quality for consumers, creates exposure for the community every time it's seen, and helps businesses by improving the marketability of products over time.

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6837 Hits

Simple formula for successful marketing - the Math of Perception

Simple formula for successful marketing - the Math of Perception

If you prefer reading to watching a video, a transcript is below.

Here at Glerin we like to keep things simple, so I want to share with you a short formula that can help improve your marketing.

We call it the Math of Perception.

That formula is Attract + Assure = Success, and it will be true of any successful marketing campaign out there – whether it’s a business selling a product or a person looking for a relationship.

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10488 Hits

Free up time & increase sales with automated marketing

Free up time & increase sales with automated marketing

Using a great automated marketing system is like having a larger staff who's willing to work 24/7, giving you time to relax and enjoy the rewards.

Contrary to popular opinion, automated marketing and email marketing are not the same thing. While email marketing is a part of automated marketing, AM is so much more.  Consider these game-changing things automated marketing can do that email marketing can't even pretend to do:

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4088 Hits