Disrupt Your Now: The Successful Entrepreneur's Guide to Reimagining Your Business & Life
We know how exhilarating it can be to see your website traffic numbers climbing, but we also know those numbers really mean nothing.
The only numbers that are really important to your bottom line (unless you sell advertising on your site) are how many site visitors turn into leads, and how many of those turn into sales.
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could see real time info on exactly which pages each visitor opened, what they clicked on, and even some intel on who they are? See when they come back and which pages they're returning to? And if you could integrate all that info into a customer relationship management system and automated email marketing it would be even better.
Sorry, but I've wanted to use that line for a long time :)
Often people think, "if I do that they don't have any reason to pay me." If that's the case, you should be looking for another career. There are tons of things you can share with your customers that help them without undermining your ability to make a living. In fact, you'll find it actually ends up helping you.
Think about it, there are a number of reasons for that:
When I started Glerin in 1996, many "experts" were already prediciting the death of print collaterals. While it's true that many print items aren't needed any more, the internet has actually been good for the print industry - but only for quality printers who have adapted to new markets. There's just something about holding an item in your hand that can never be replaced.
Due to advances in color printing, you're now able to use print materials in a more discerning way while using your website to present content that is apt to change. Being able to take advantage of short print runs lets you create unique, high quality pieces in small numbers and when you're ready to make a change you don't have thousands of copies to throw away.
We've recently had an increase in questions and concerns from our clients about SEO. For those of you who aren't familiar, SEO is Search Engine Optimization. SEO, in simple terms, is the process of influencing search engines to find your website. Why would you want this? To drive interest and potentially sales.
For example, if you own an Ice Cream shop in Alaska (& I can only assume this is a very competitive business in Alaska) you want to be at or near the top when someone Googles Ice Cream Shop in Alaska... Correct? Of course you do!
Achieving high rankings in search engine results is as desirable a goal as say, having your company featured on the cover of a popular magazine (20 years ago). In fact, there's an entire market for companies to offer services which focus on nothing but increasing your rankings through SEO.
Depending on the services offered, this method can be perfectly valid for your business. But know this: Google (and other search engines) can (and DO) change their algorithms FREQUENTLY. They do this to prevent search engine manipulation. They do this for YOU, the end-user, to give you the best, most relevant and valid content on the internet.