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The secret to turning a negative into a marketing sensation

ithaca screenshot

All of us have negatives to overcome, but how would you like to be the city of Ithaca, New York, trying to lure tourists during this winter of record snowfall?

Well, rather than trying to put lipstick on a pig, the Ithaca Visitors Bureau replaced their home page with one promoting visiting Key West instead!

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Rediscovering Halifax County

Tobacco Heritage Trail rock formationWorking on the rebranding and new website for Halifax County Tourism (currently under development) has reminded me of what a nice place this is to visit or live in. I know I'm biased, but the truth is that we have a wider variety of things to do and places to eat than most places with a much higher population.

Currently the Tourism website is really mostly a directory of businesses. The organization has never had the manpower or budget to develop content, so the site didn't do the area justice. In addressing that issue through this redevelopment, I'm continually discovering things about my home county that I had either forgotten or never knew about.

Just goes to show that "Discover Halifax" is the perfect name for the Tourism Deparment's marketing initiatives, because there's always something new to discover! Keep an eye out for upcoming social media campaigns that center around discovering Halifax; I'm hoping you'll open my eyes to even more unique things about the area.

Look for the new site and brand to be unveiled in a couple of weeks, along with two new features being added to the Visitors Center.

Here are just a few photos of things to do around the county. How many have you done? Did you know you can even take cheese making classes?




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