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The secret to turning a negative into a marketing sensation

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All of us have negatives to overcome, but how would you like to be the city of Ithaca, New York, trying to lure tourists during this winter of record snowfall?

Well, rather than trying to put lipstick on a pig, the Ithaca Visitors Bureau replaced their home page with one promoting visiting Key West instead!

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Make sure your other departments back up your social media presence!

I struggled with whether to do this post or not.  Those who know me well know that I'm not a troublemaker or rabble-rouser; I cringe at stirring up trouble, especially for others in their jobs. As a business owner, I know how hard it is to get everything right and make the pieces all fit together. Having said that, I had an experience recently that I really do feel has a good lesson in it and have decided to share it in the spirit of learning and improving, not in attacking or flaming.

Usually companies do a better job in their traditional sales and support services than through social media, simply because people are still getting used to it.  This is a case in reverse.  It is not meant to be an indictment of the company I had the experience with, just an example of how one area can be on top of things but another drop the ball, negating gains made by the one doing a good job. [UPDATE: please read to the end for response from Justyn Howard, CEO of Sprout Social.]

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