By Lisa Kipps-Brown on Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Category: Social Media

LinkedIn: how to cancel an invitation to connect

Today we had a client who, in setting up her LinkedIn account, had accidentally invited hundreds of people to connect by importing her contacts. Panicked, she gave us a call wanting to know if there was any way she could withdraw some the invitations.

The good news is that, yes, you can withdraw invitations but the bad news is that you have to do it one invitation at a time so it's a pain if you have hundreds to deal with like her. Here's how to cancel invitations that you sent, keeping in mind that you can only do this If the person hasn't accepted your invitation yet:

  1. Click Inbox near the top of your home page.
  2. Click Sent on the left.
  3. Click the Sent Invitations tab under the top navigational bar.
  4. Find an invitation without "Accepted" by the name.
  5. Click the subject line of the invitation.
  6. Click Withdraw.
  7. If the Withdraw button isn't there, the invitation can't be withdrawn and may have already expired.
  8. The recipient won't be notified about a withdrawn invitation.
  9. If you change your mind, you can send another invitation to the member 3 days after the initial invitation date.

Note: Withdrawing invitations doesn't return them to your balance of available invitations.

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