By Lisa Kipps-Brown on Wednesday, 07 July 2010
Category: Design

I'll have that to go...

With more and more people using mobile devices to access the web, it's crucial for you to have a mobile version of your website.

A mobile version strips down your site to only the essential information, to keep these devices from getting bogged down with broadband-hogging content or content that the mobile device can't display correctly.

When we develop your mobile site, we'll develop a separate template for each kind of mobile device so the site will be optimized no matter what kind of device your visitors are using.  Visitors will also have the option of choosing the standard version of the site if they prefer.

If you have content that would be important for mobile visitors specifically, but unnecessary for standard browsers, we can even set up your site so that content doesn't appear in the standard version of the site.  Think like your customers:  what would you want to know if you were visitng your site while on the road?  Quick directions?  Distance from key locations?  Hours?  The more you can put yourself in their position, the more proactive you can be in meeting their needs.

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