If your website doesn't have a mobile version, you must correct that!  Too many sites either display poorly on mobile devices, or even worse, don't display at all.  Recently I tried to visit a site on my iPhone, but it opened up to a blank white page; when I got back to the office I browsed to the site on my laptop and found that it's built entirely on Flash.  That results in nothing to display on the iPhone!

Luckily, when I initially tried to visit the site I wasn't looking to buy or researching a company I may want to do business with; if that had been the case, they would have had a lost sale.

Obviously, before you have a mobile version of your website you must have a website in the first place, and I don't mean a page or two that you put up and leave forever.  This is your face to the world, to every potential customer out there, and you should prioritize your website just as you do your other types of marketing - if not more.  You wouldn't think of putting an ad in the paper with information about last Fall's special event, would you?  Why would you want to leave that type of information on your website?  All it does is telegraph to people that you don't take it seriously, and it may just make them not take you as seriously.  Every day we see many companies that spend thousands on traditional marketing that may or may not be rewarding, but they're not willing to put the same emphasis on their website.

As the internet matures and as our population gets younger, more and more people will use the internet exclusively for shopping, reading, news, you name it.  Make sure you're ready.  After all, it was just back in 1977 that  the President of Digital Equipment Corporation said,  "There is no need for any individual to have a computer in their home."  I'll bet you have a computer in your home, and I'll bet 1977 doesn't seem that long ago!